Make Nine- Knitting Edition

I know, I know I didn’t finish my make nine from last year. Maybe I did two of them. I got so distracted by all the wonderful patterns that came out this past year that I never got to them all. However, it isn’t going to stop me from joining in the fun this year.

My knitting is my escape from stress. Even though I use patterns, I find it is a great creative outlet. So
rather than committing to having to knit all of the patterns I chose, I’m going to consider this a wish list, relieving myself of feeling guilty if I don’t knit them all.

Here are the pattern’s I have chosen:

1. Hudson by Shannon Cook
2. What the Fade by Andrea Mowry
3. Turtle Dove by Espace Tricot
4. No Frills Sweater by Petite Knit
5. Vottene Barlind by Pinneguri
6. Arrowhead Cardigan by Anna Cohen
7. Waiting for Henry Socks by Tabitha Gandee
8. Strokkur by Ysolda Teague
9. Frost Slippers by Emily Kintigh

What is everyone craving to knit next year?

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