New Year New Beginnings

Hoping everyone had a magical holiday season and a great New Year!

I have started typing this post so many times and have no idea where to start. Where the heck have I been? I am sorry for neglecting you. Seems like schedules took over and left me hanging on for dear life! Between soccer, scouts, work, appointments, I have put my blog last and have really missed it.

As the New Year comes around I have spent time reflecting on last year and what I can improve on. While last year was a great year with watching the boys grow, going part time at work, and adding to the family (see picture below), there are still ways to make this year better.

Normally, resolution making is not on my agenda. There is just too much pressure on them and by March they have been thrown to the waste side and you’re left feeling disappointed. However, after the last year sweeping me up, I need to make some goals and keep them!

First off I will be posting once a week in the blog. I already have a schedule for each month and will be sticking to it. Last year posting 4 times a week while working full time and shuffling the kids around was unrealistic. This plan is much more practical.

Secondly, after spending the majority of last year eating pizza and chicken nuggets, I need to start living a health life. Notice I did not say go one a diet. This is about being healthy and taking care of myself.  If a few pounds drop off, great! I am going to cook again more often and even freeze meals and just reheat them as I go. Along with eating healthy, I am going to get my butt in gear, even if it is just going for a walk. No excuses, especially seeing our newest family member needs it.

Lastly my life needs to be more organized and decluttered. I purchased the Erin Condren Life Planner back in September. I cannot sing its praises enough. Besides being stylish, it keeps all our weekly activity on one page and makes it easy to refer too. I LOVE IT! I have also decided to create a Home Management binder. I found some great free printables from It has everything from cleaning schedules and meal planning tools to budgeting worksheets and important number charts. It is going to be so refreshing having everything in one place rather than rummaging through the house for it.  

What are your goals for the New Year?

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