Happy New Year

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year. This year as brought a lot of changes some good and some bad. But that is life. While I do not make resolutions (I have talked about this in the past) I have set 2 goals for myself.

With some of the bad moments in 2018 (they're not horrible, other people suffer from worse things), I have done a lot a casting on of projects. While this brought me pleasure at the time, I am now left with a lot of unfinished items and my hearth has two over flowing baskets of projects waiting to be finished. My goal in the beginning of this year is to finish what I have started.

I am a big believer that every week, day, hour is a chance to start over and begin again. This year has taught me that. The were some days that were so arduous that my father's word were like an affirmation that I repeated over and over, "take it an hour at a time and if you have too, take one minute at a time."  Life is a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs and self discovery.  I am on the rise of the hill now and know that even on the downslope I am strong enough to make it through.

Back in October when I was in Salem, MA with a friend I pick up a pack of Tarot cards. I loved the simplicity and organic nature of the artwork. While I do not use the tarot cards as most people do, I find them a great tool for self reflection. Every evening, well most evenings, I pull a card and reflect on the meaning of it and how it related to my day. The cards came with a wonderful and well written book that describes each card. My goal this year is to do it every night constantly.

I am looking forward to 2019 and the opportunities that lie head.

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