I’ve seen lists like this floating around the internet and
thought I’d share the things I’ve learned over the last 9 years.
The New England Gal’s lists of the ten things I have learned
as a mother of boys….
- Always, and I mean always, check jean pockets for acorns, sticks and rocks before doing the wash (luckily live animals have not made it in the house, but I’m sure that time will come.)
- There is no such thing as to many Legos. It doesn’t matter if you cannot cross a room without swearing up a storm from stepping on those pesky blocks.
- My car is the place where unwanted toys go to die. Still not sure how they get in there.
- It doesn’t matter what program you want to watch, if the Bruins, Red Sox, Patriots, or Tottenham Hotspur are on, you lose all rights to the TV.
- The dirtier your sports uniform, the better your performance, skill level does not matter.
- Bruises are a badge of courage, but a glimpse of blood makes the toughest boy run for a band-aide.
- Whether or not it is true; Daddy is always right.
- Washing hands consists of quickly fanning them under the faucet. Water is optional. Soap does not exist.
- Shoving clothes under the bed is easier than lifting the hamper lid.
- Because cake contains milk and eggs it is an acceptable form of breakfast. This comes from my 40 year old “child.” My husband read this and stated, “Muffins are cake, pancakes have cake in the title, and waffles are cake-like.” I will never win this argument!
I can totally see Steve rationalizing #10.