Happy Valentine's Day

Ok, ok, I know I am a little early on this, but for once in the span of motherhood I am already prepared for my kids’ school celebrations! I am normally THAT mother who goes out the night before and pays double for those dinky cards (you know they increase them for us last-minute-people). Then I get home and my poor children have to write out 25 cards each causing their miniature hands to cramp up.

This year I was determined that it would be different. The cards are already completed and ready to go… I am on the ball this year and am hoping that this will continue throughout the year.
I scoured the internet and then the local Michael’s store looking for simple ideas that both the children and I could create together.  Here’s the idea we came up with and I was able to purchase all the items at Michaels.

I discovered large pre-cut hearts that became a perfect time saver and the base for the cards. There were no small pre-cut paper hearts, but I found a small heart box for $0.99 that I traced on pieces of scrapbooking paper.  Then I had the boys cut the hearts out (it’s good for their fine motor skills J) and glued the two hearts together.

Then using a Sharpie, we wrote the message, “You’re Just Write” on the small heart and the “To” and “From” on the back of the card.  Once that was completed, I used a rotatory cutter to make small incisions into the top and bottom of the larger heart and inserted adorable Valentine’s Day pencils I had picked up at Michael’s, as well.

Hope this gives you some inspiration!!!

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